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Shenzhen City, the outdoor products Co., Ltd. | snake powder | snake concentrate | mosquito repellent spray | mosquito repellent spray

Contact Numbers:



Contact us

Shenzhen jasons Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. He
Phone: 18925454343
Address: B-3005, Building 3, Luyuan, Huilongpu Community, Longcheng Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Authorized dealersPosition:Home Page -> Authorized dealers

1、 Tmall shop: Land Rover Range Rover outdoor franchise store,

Store linkhttps://lshw.tmall.com

2、Second, Guangzhou Gems Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

3、Tmall shop: Stokes outdoor franchise store,

Store link:https://stkshw.tmall.com/

4、Tmall shop: Hangzhou Walker Sports Outdoor Store,

Store link:https://hzxzydhw.tmall.com/

5、Tmall shop: Honghuofeng outdoor franchise store,

Store link:https://hhfhw.tmall.com/

6、Jingdong store: Deng Aier outdoor franchise store,
Store link:https://shop.m.jd.com/?shopId=62197

Shenzhen jasons Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

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*The pictures, texts and other materials involved in this website are owned by Shenzhen jasons Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., and may not be reproduced without permission.*