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The weather turns warm, your pig farm is how drive

Published:2019-03-19 17:19:37Click to rate:

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The special environment of the pig farm makes a large amount of faeces and urine, resulting in a large number of flies and mosquitoes. In the face of a large number of mosquitoes and flies if the treatment is not good or turn a blind eye, the light will lead to the decline of pig feed reward, heavy will lead to a variety of infectious disease outbreaks, so that a small mosquito affect the entire pig farm tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of benefits.

What harm can a small mosquito do to a pig farm?

1. Affect the production performance of pigs

Summer and autumn season, night mosquito blood bite, can make live pig restlessness, can not get sufficient rest, light affect its growth and feed utilization rate, heavy pig is bitten black and blue all over, body and skin, more very still can cause anaemia, allergy, red and swollen wait for a symptom, resistance drops seriously, cover up next blight hidden trouble.

2. Threaten people's health

Mosquitoes not only affect the work and life of breeders, but also can spread more than 100 diseases including malaria, encephalitis, dengue fever, filariasis, etc. More importantly, mosquitoes and flies are the main vectors of human and pig comorbidity, which do great harm to human health. The main swine diseases transmitted to humans by mosquitoes are encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and swine influenza. Especially in summer and autumn, when mosquitoes bite sick pigs, the virus enters the mosquito body with blood, and when the female mosquitoes carrying the virus suck human blood, they are easy to inject the virus into human body and make people sick (but then, people are very smart, they will use mosquito nets, mosquito incense and other mosquito repellent at night).

3. Spread various diseases of pigs

Mosquitoes come from pollution, can adhere to more than 10-7 million bacteria and viruses, is an important mechanical vector of many pig diseases, Such as the highly pathogenic blue-ear disease, red cell body disease, swine Japanese encephalitis, swine toxoplasmosis and other blood parasitic diseases, wreath virus disease, scabies mites disease, salmonella disease, swine dysentery, infectious gastroenteritis, pseudo rabies, ascariasis, brucellosis, classical swine fever, gas capsule clostridium diarrhea caused by type A and type C, Mr Bush's escherichia coli disease, swine erysipelas, foot and mouth disease and coccidiosis, leptospirosis, mycobacterium disease, pasteurella disease, seborrheic dermatitis, mastitis, streptococcus meningitis, etc. In the face of so many diseases, we tend to think: how can I cure this disease. We need to think a little bit more about how we can get rid of these diseases. This is the meaning of prevention over cure.

Do a good job in summer mosquito and fly control to avoid excessive stress of pigs to affect the feed reward, but also to avoid all kinds of diseases of pigs, to avoid greater economic losses. Many people have said that now more and more investment in pig raising, raising sows need good delivery bed, Suckling pig stage need incubator, electric heating board, nursery bed, in the summer also need to kill mosquitoes lamp.

Indeed, raising pigs has been an increasingly costly and profitable business for many years. The high cost is due to the fact that as pig farmers rediscover production management, effective input will bring about stable profits. After all, "lucky pig" is no longer suitable for the current pig environment.

Here are some good ways to get rid of mosquitoes:

1. Anti-mosquito lamp.

Correctly hang the mosquito trap. When the author is instructing pig farm to eliminate midge, often see pig farm suspends midge trap the upper part of the middle corridor in piggery. In fact, this is a big mistake! Mosquito trap principle, is the use of mosquitoes to this particular light wave sensitivity (a trend effect), mosquitoes can take the initiative to fly to the lamp, was sucked into the net bag to kill, "moth fire" said is this principle. If the mosquito trap is hung in the middle of the pig house, the mosquitoes inside the house will be lured and killed at the same time, the hungry mosquitoes outside the house will also be attracted to the pig house, and then they will die after eating enough blood. The correct way to do this is to hang the mosquito trap above the middle space between two rows of pigsties, or if it is inconvenient, under the eaves of the pigsties.

In the process of communicating with my colleagues in the pig farm, I learned that the mosquito traps hanging in the middle aisle of the pig house were mostly taught by dealers selling mosquito traps. Why this is a big mistake? For example, if it is a relatively closed space, the mosquito killer should be hung in the center, so as to maximize the mosquitoes in every corner of the lure to the trap, catch no more outside mosquitoes come in, the room is clean. But the pig house in summer is open, the mosquito inside the house was arrested, a large number of mosquitoes outside the house will come in again, at this time the mosquito trap has become a "murder weapon"! . The last thing I want to say is: as long as the reasonable layout is done, the effect of mosquito killer lamp is better than mosquito killer stick.
2, mosquito-repellent incense,

Shenzhen jasons Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

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