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How to use cockroach medicine to achieve best effe

Published:2019-03-19 16:56:16Click to rate:

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Cockroaches are nocturnal insects that are highly productive and have been around for more than 300 million years. If moderate climate, a dozen days can breed a nest, each nest 40-50. Cockroach is a famous pest, its vitality is strong, strong adaptability, some people live in the place they have the figure of the shuttle, then, how to eliminate cockroaches?

What are cockroaches afraid of?

Cockroaches are afraid of running out of water.
1) keep the house dry and clean: set strict eating areas. No food is allowed in except the dining room and kitchen. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the kitchen and toilet, do not accumulate water;
2) thoroughly empty the trash can at least once a day. Before placing the garbage bag, tie the bag mouth;
3) properly store food and thoroughly clean up food residue after feeding pets;
Cockroaches are afraid of clean environment.
1) cockroaches prefer warm, dark and damp places. They should pay attention to the water source and food abundant kitchen, dining room, bathroom, drainage ditch and garbage can.
2) in order to eliminate cockroaches, we must first ensure that the environment is clean and clean, timely cleaning, including toilets and sewers, garbage must be promptly cleared. Do not leave sanitation dead Angle in the home, do not put food in the open air in the kitchen, do not leave stagnant water in the home, plug in time seam hole, such ability put an end to cockroach breed, should check carefully, do not let go even old computer case, the best whole building that lives in unified action, let cockroach have nowhere to hide;
3) small cockroaches can drill into the 0.5mm thick seam, adult male cockroaches can drill into the 1.6mm seam, especially the narrow and tight gap, like the gap between furniture, any gap larger than 1.6mm is the cockroach habitat. Cockroach nests are usually hidden in operation rooms, laundry rooms, heaters, behind televisions, computers, refrigerators, kitchens and drains. To eliminate cockroaches completely, we must find the nest and eliminate the source of cockroaches.
Cockroaches are afraid of poison.
The drug should be placed or sprayed on the cockroach's nest and route, and the roach will quickly develop a drug suitability in the next generation. Food and water should be removed during application. Cockroaches are resistant to hunger and drought-especially female cockroaches with pregnant eggs. Sufficient food and water should be provided, or the egg sheath will not hatch.
How to eradicate cockroaches?
Cockroaches are everywhere. They hide in the gaps between kitchen cabinets, in the cracks between the bricks in the walls, or in the sewers of water pipes. Cockroach is a kind of insect with strong adaptability and reproduction ability.

So, let's talk about how to use cockroach medicine to get the best results.
1, application time, kill cockroaches, when the best cloth? Generally 8 or 9 o 'clock in the evening is appropriate, because the cockroach generally 9:00 ~ 11:00 in the evening and 3:00 ~ 4:00 in the morning about activity foraging. Before applying the medicine, it is advisable to dispose of the garbage in time, plug the door or wall with lime or glass glue, and wipe off the cockroach excrement (black dots) and heavy grease with a cloth;
2, application method, with the amount less more advisable, some sesame seeds per pill size can (usually 1-2 g / ㎡, can administer 5) per gram, point to roaches haunt area;
3. Five elements of application: near water source, food, heat source (winter, including heating appliances and cable boxes), various crevices (door and wall), wooden furniture (cabinets, doors, kicking thread, cutting board, table), etc.;
4. Keep one third of the cockroach medicine for future use after putting it on;
5. Precautions: baits should not be used together with irritating chemicals to avoid affecting the baits' attraction; Do not rinse the bait with water after application.
B: after killing the cockroach, what should you do?
1. For the area laid before, check the potion regularly. If the potion laid before is no longer there, it shall be replaced and put out.
2. In the later stage, due to the time, the cockroach glue bait may harden after being exposed to the air for a long time. A small amount of warm sugar water or warm honey water can be sprayed on the cockroach medicine point, so that the original effect of the cockroach glue bait can be maintained;
3, at the end of January every year, that is, the spring season, to put the cockroach potion once, this time the cloth can not be too close, a little cloth can put some cockroach medicine;
4, after the cockroach out of the home environment health must be maintained for a long time, do not have to overnight garbage and some food, must cut off the cockroach food source.


1) if the cockroach medicine has adverse effects on humans and livestock, the person in charge should take care of it and put it in the anti-cockroach medicine;
2) when using the anti-cockroach medicine, wear gloves and other protective equipment to avoid skin contact, and wash hands with soap and water after using the anti-cockroach medicine;
3) anti-cockroach medicine should not be mixed with alkaline pesticide;
4) anti-cockroach medicine to avoid contact with pregnant and lactating women.

Shenzhen jasons Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

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